2021-03-30 12:33 AM
I referenced the example from STM32CubeL4-master and run the Flash_FastProgram example,
but when I execute to this line
*dest_addr = *src_addr in FLASH_Program_Fast(uint32_t Address, uint32_t DataAddress),
it will go to HardFault Handler, have any ideas?
Thank you and best regards.
2021-03-30 2:15 AM
Maybe there is a null pointer somewhere ?
2021-03-30 2:33 AM
But as soon as I entered, I got error (refer to attached) and haven't modify any sample code.
Used STM32CubeIDE1.4.0, does the version of the compiler affect it? Thanks
2021-03-30 3:28 AM
I don't know, I have just checked FLASH_Program_Fast with an L4R9 discovery board. No problem.
Tested with CubeIDE 1.6.0.
Check option bytes, because there is a warning a the top of the main.c:
/* !!! Be careful the user area should be in another bank than the code !!! */