2025-03-13 6:42 AM - last edited on 2025-03-13 6:48 AM by mƎALLEm
I have a problem with the Ethernet on a STM32F777 with CMSIS V2 and LWIP. Firmware package is 1.17.2.
The configuration was created with CubeMX. The firmware runs normally until a data packet (ping command from cmd) is received on the Ethernet. Then the firmware gets stuck at the semaphore of the TxCpltCallback.
I have attached the call stack as a screenshot.
When the data packet arrives, HAL_ETH_IRQHandler() is called and then the function HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback(). So far everything works. Then the function HAL_ETH_IRQHandler() is called again and in it the function HAL_ETH_TxCpltCallback(). The firmware then stops at the position of the attached screenshot.
There is already a similarly described case in the forum, but the solutions described there are already implemented in the current F7 firmware package and it still does not work. [ https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubemx-mcus/bug-stm32-lwip-ethernet-driver-tx-deadlock/td-p/83219 ]
Can someone please help me? Many thanks in advance.
2025-03-13 5:37 PM
Most likely, the ETH interrupt priority is above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.
2025-03-13 10:30 PM
Try with CMSIS V1 ... CMSIS V2 has some bugs
2025-03-14 12:33 AM
The Ethernet Interrupt priority is set to 5 and configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY is 5 too.
For tests i changed the Ethernet interrupt priority to 6 but without any success.