2014-08-26 5:15 AM
Posted on August 26, 2014 at 14:15
Why does ST not use Github for STM32Cube?
It would be better to get any official updates from the official Git repository as soon as possible rather than sitting and waiting for the new official zip-file complete release. Also I'm ready to contribute my bugfixes and improvements to the HAL sources via pull requests.
2015-12-17 7:50 AM
I'd vote for more internal code review and testing. A lot of the issues don't need more eyes, just critical ones. There needs to be stronger leadership in the manner this is tested and released. The bug list and tracking needs to be more transparent.
This is embedded, you can't be patching flaws every week like Adobe/Microsoft, it's not a model that works well.2015-12-17 7:55 AM
Some serious
is also in order. Starting with a lot of clear and concise examples for a lot of use cases that come up on the forum over and over.2015-12-17 9:59 AM
+1 -- GREAT idea. STM is already doing a lot of things right. This would be a great next step for STM to take.
2015-12-19 6:25 AM
>>This is embedded, you can't be patching flaws every week like Adobe/Microsoft, it's not a model that works well.
I could not agree more. In any S/W development realm it is a huge risk to update any portion of the tool chain. For example, I updated MX to 4.11 which had a bug that trashed project configuration files.As far as dog fooding, I would suggest that ST hire a small army of summer interns who can rewrite the example and demo projects to use MX. There seems to be a paucity of examples projects from ST that use it.2017-07-01 9:01 PM
,This is justa friendly reminder that ST's users would still like to see this.
Is this still being considered internally?
It would be much easier to propose fixes for HAL code as git pull requests than postingthem here. Also, I always havebug fixes for the HALthat must be re-applied every time a new version comes out from ST. It would be much easier to pull down new HAL versions with git and merge ST's changes with mine until the fixes are accepted by ST.
2017-07-02 10:02 AM
Posted on July 02, 2017 at 17:02
GitHub, bitbucket and a whole bunch of free repositories.
The location of the program code STM32Cube is beneficial for the st. Users themselves will find errors, create their own branches, the administration will need to check the already ready solution - to the place and time of error detection.
This is much easier than discussing through a forum where most users sometimes can not formulate their problem.By the way, bitbucket + turtle
is much easier to learn by beginners than the same GitHub.
2017-07-10 9:18 PM
Well, they gave him a year.
And he says - it does not concern me, I have three.https://developer.arm.com/embedded/cmsis
CMSIS - attention to GitHub.
2019-02-21 5:53 AM
At last!
I hope the repositories of other STM32 families will follow suit soon. Thank you, ST.
The "Issues" section is closed though, so no bug reports in Github yet (:
2020-02-22 6:25 AM
Is this legit STM32 github repo? I remember a pirate repo that got shut down by ST a few years back.
Can an ST employee verify that this is genuine?
2020-02-25 8:23 AM
Yes it is. I confirm it.
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