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Library for stm32f429 for communicating with wiznet7500p


Hi amazing, 

Just a simple question.

Do you know if exists a library or repo with some example better for communicating with wiznet 7500 p? 

I have found this.. 

Should it work inside stm32cubeide?


Thanks a lot for your help


Yes, it will work. STM32CubeIDE is eclipse based and eclipse is supported.

W7500X is its own microcontroller and can't be programmed using ST tools. Likely the manufacturer has an IDE or recommended IDE for development.

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Hi @TDK .. thanks for the reply ..

Do you think i can get inspiration from here to make a working example of st communicating with wiznet7500 in uart ?


Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

@SGasp.1 wrote:


Should it work inside stm32cubeide?

It says:

"This library is a firmware package which contains a collection of routines, data structures and macros covering the features of W7500x peripherals."

It's for writing code to run within the Wiznet W7500x devices - not for code to run on an STM32!


@TDK wrote:

Yes, it will work. STM32CubeIDE is eclipse based and eclipse is supported.

Will it?


AIUI, It's for code to run on the Wiznet device itself - not on an external microcontroller (such as STM32).


STM32CubeIDE is eclipse based and eclipse is supported.

Yes, but it has been optimised for STM32 Targets - so that's not going to help (much) with building for other targets.


@SGasp.1 wrote:

Do you think i can get inspiration from here to make a working example of st communicating with wiznet7500 in uart ?

That's something completely different!

It says:


So, yes - that is what it says it's for!

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

The Wiznet W7500 has its own on-board Cortex-M0, plus the well-known Wiznet "hardware" TCP/IP Stack:



If you've got an stm32f429, why do you need a Wiznet with its own on-board Cortex-M0?

Wouldn't it be better to use a Wiznet with just the  "hardware" TCP/IP Stack?

Or just run a software TCP/IP stack on the stm32f429?

@Andrew Neil wrote:

Wouldn't it be better to use a Wiznet with just the  "hardware" TCP/IP Stack?

Or just run a software TCP/IP stack on the stm32f429?

ie, their "TOE" (TCP Offload Ethernet) Chip range:


Or just run a software TCP/IP stack on the stm32f429?

It has Ethernet - so why would you add an external ethernet chip??





Hi @Andrew Neil ..

Thanks for your consideration

I will try to explain myself better .

I have a stm32f429 connected with uart to a wiznet 7500p.

The wiznet has been programmed with the following fw .

The point is that i want to communicate wih the wiznet.

How can I make a test for understanding if the stm32 is communicating in a correct way with the wiznet?

Where i can find the protocol of the communication with the wiznet?


Thanks a lot 



Hi @Andrew Neil ..

Your observation makes sense but i think all pins were busy no it has been decided to use the wiznet.

The point is now how to test the communication?

