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Does STM32F746ZG, supports low level drivers for UART???

Associate II

If I am making UART6, as HAL layer, it's working fine but if it configure it as LL api, it's giving garbage values.


Yes STM32CubeF7 does include LL drivers, and UART/USART is supported.

You must be doing something wrong. Show your code.

Review the peripheral register settings in the working and non-working cases, compare and contrast.

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thanks for your reply.

Kindly let me know, how can I check the peripheral register settings?

I am sharing my code in the Attachment.

please check and let me know, what I am doing wrong.

Basically I am configuring 2 UART


UART6 on HAL layer


it giving me a garbage value on UART6

but if I make both on HAL layer, it's giving me correct value on the comport


I uploaded my example code.

Can you suggest me how to proceed further?

Read out the registers' content and compare.

Also make sure the related APB clocks are set as you expect them to be.


Use the debugger? Open a "Peripheral View" or equivalent option, dump the memory region?

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Make it simpler, not familiar with the board being used here, or what the "garbage" looks like compared to what it should look like.

Validate the USART2 and USART6 with a clean demo before integrating back into the code base you are using once you understand the issues.

Incorrect baud rates can cause issues, check HSE_VALUE compared to the board design. Check the USARTx->BRR values in working / non-working.

Don't enable USART2 RXNE interrupts, you don't service them.

Have a Hard Fault Handler that does something to report if it ends up there.

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