2018-12-14 4:57 AM
If I am making UART6, as HAL layer, it's working fine but if it configure it as LL api, it's giving garbage values.
2018-12-14 5:27 AM
Yes STM32CubeF7 does include LL drivers, and UART/USART is supported.
You must be doing something wrong. Show your code.
2018-12-14 5:57 AM
Review the peripheral register settings in the working and non-working cases, compare and contrast.
2018-12-16 11:34 PM
thanks for your reply.
Kindly let me know, how can I check the peripheral register settings?
2018-12-17 1:17 AM
2018-12-20 11:11 PM
I uploaded my example code.
Can you suggest me how to proceed further?
2018-12-23 4:18 AM
Read out the registers' content and compare.
Also make sure the related APB clocks are set as you expect them to be.
2018-12-23 9:22 AM
Use the debugger? Open a "Peripheral View" or equivalent option, dump the memory region?
2018-12-23 9:37 AM
Make it simpler, not familiar with the board being used here, or what the "garbage" looks like compared to what it should look like.
Validate the USART2 and USART6 with a clean demo before integrating back into the code base you are using once you understand the issues.
Incorrect baud rates can cause issues, check HSE_VALUE compared to the board design. Check the USARTx->BRR values in working / non-working.
Don't enable USART2 RXNE interrupts, you don't service them.
Have a Hard Fault Handler that does something to report if it ends up there.