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Connecting W25Q128JV via OctoSPI in QuadSPI Mode on STM32U5A9

Associate II


Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a project with the STM32U5A9 microcontroller and am trying to interface the W25Q64JV flash memory using the OctoSPI bus in QuadSPI mode. Despite extensive searches, I have been unable to find relevant examples or documentation that specifically address this configuration.

Could anyone in the community kindly share any sample code or resources that could assist with this setup? Any guidance or pointers to documentation would be greatly appreciated as it would greatly help in advancing my project.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!

Best regards,




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Odd doppelganger

Not sure if you're using the W25Q128 or W25Q64, the body suggests the latter, not sure if the former is from @Andrew Neil title edit/cleanup

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ST Employee

Hello @GhostVVS ,

Besides @Tesla DeLorean answers, I recommend you to refer to AN5050 and get inspired from the steps shared in section 6.2 OCTOSPI configuration with STM32CubeMX.

May BSP example can help you.


Thank you.


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