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SWO Viewer in ST-LINK Utility

Associate II

Hi Friends,

 I need Yours Help. I have  working on  STM32F407VET6  development board  and  I have to write on simple code like count the values. I want to see the data in SWO (Serial Wire Viewer).But using STM32CUBEIDE to flash the code to my code is not Done . Because, My board  is not support to flash the code by using STM32CUBEIDE.So,I have using ST-LINK Utility to flash the code to my board. But SWO is correctly enabled but unfortunately count value is not print in the SWO viewer. So, how to I have the data in SWO Viewer. I have to attach the my software screenshot and source code for your reference that boxed line only I have  add to see the count values. Thanks in  advance for yours Guidance .



@Andrew Neil wrote:

You still haven't provided full details of that board you're using!

It looks like this one:


but it's impossible to tell for sure - that's why you need to provide full details!


@Vignesh_V wrote:

You have to tell the step by step procedure for set the ST-Link correctly..

We can't do that unless you provide full details of the board you actually have!


But why make all this trouble for yourself?

Why not just buy a genuine Nucleo board, which comes complete with ST-Link and VCP on board - all ready setup to just plug & play!


The Nucleo board is actually cheaper than your no-name board - even before you add the cost of an ST-Link and a USB-to-UART adaptor:



No I have using ST-Link does not match the original Pin out of you given St-Link .I think in my hand St-Link is not a standard Debugger it is a type clone . My ST-link only support in STM32 Programmer and STM32 ST-Link Utility .If any idea from your side to solve the my problem to see the data through serial. I have Given below link for I actually buying my development board and that full details  website for your reference. 

I need your detailed explanation to solve my problem .Thank you for advance to clarify my doubt. 

@Vignesh_V wrote:

I think in my hand St-Link is not a standard Debugger it is a type clone . 



@Vignesh_V wrote:

My ST-link only support in STM32 Programmer and STM32 ST-Link Utility . 

That shouldn't be true. If it works with STM32 Programmer, it should also work with STM32CubeIDE.

But that's the trouble with buying these clones - you never can tell if they'll work or not!
You have no guarantees.

You still haven't explained why, exactly, you think it's "not supported" by STM32CubeIDE.


@Vignesh_V wrote:

If any idea from your side to solve the my problem to see the data through serial.

Again: Get a genuine Nucleo board!!

You are just making unnecessary complications for yourself with all this no-name, unsupported stuff!

And it's not even any cheaper!

That link doesn't even provide a schematic of the board!


@Vignesh_V wrote:

I need your detailed explanation to solve my problem .Thank you for advance to clarify my doubt. 

Get a genuine Nucleo board.  Use that to gain understanding of the tools, and how all this stuff works.

Once you have that understanding, then you will be equipped to move onto boards like this, and work out for yourself how to get it working.

ok give best trust worthy  website for genuine Nucleo or Development board link i have need to buy and you have to also give the website for buy the ST-Link Debugger. Thank you for your Guidance.

If you buy a Nucleo board, it has the ST-Link (including VCP) built in - so you don't need to buy one separately!

The NUCLEO-F401RE has an STM32F401RE MCU:

See the 'Sample & Buy' tab for where to buy;

See the 'Documentation' tab for the User Manual and other documentation;

See the 'CAD Resources' tab for schematics.


For documentation & other supporting materials on the STM32F401RE MCU itself, see: 


so i think, your board is ok ;( ST-LINK Utility is old, deprecated - forget it.)

but for debug etc. you need a st-link (or J-link, or...) that works with IDE.

Now the "problem" is, newer versions of IDE check the chip ID and refuse to work, if not an STM chip is in the st-link .

So you can with your "bad-copy-st-link" flash with older version of CubeProgrammer (that not check for chip),

or buy a new "clone" with STM chip inside ,

or buy a genuine ST-link (V3 - i would recommend ) , then can flash, debug, etc.

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one more  question, if blue pill board is suitable for creating industrial standard applications?

@AScha.3 wrote:

or buy a genuine ST-link (V3 - i would recommend ) , then can flash, debug, etc.

But that would cost more than a Nucleo board ?

A Blue (or other coloured) Pill board will (almost) certainly not have a genuine STM32 on it - so you will have no guarantees or support from ST.



See this page for some of the STM32 clones, fakes, etc in circulation:


See this page for a page to (try to) find what actual chip is on your "Blue Pill" board: 


Ask yourself if you really want to be introducing yet more uncertainties like this ...


#BluePill #FakeSTM32

Not every version : i use the V3 miniE

Mouser-Nr.:   511-STLINK-V3MINIE  , 10,88 €  .
(Similar to @Andrew Neil  -> "buy+use a nucleo board" , i  -->  )
But i would recommend to buy (from his source in India) a STM board like this:
F411-discovery board, ₹ 1,759.00

STM32F411VE MCU, On-Board ST-LINK/V2

So can learn/use the board, and even use the onboard st-link with your F407 board .



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