2024-06-04 2:51 AM
Hi Friends,
I need Yours Help. I have working on STM32F407VET6 development board and I have to write on simple code like count the values. I want to see the data in SWO (Serial Wire Viewer).But using STM32CUBEIDE to flash the code to my code is not Done . Because, My board is not support to flash the code by using STM32CUBEIDE.So,I have using ST-LINK Utility to flash the code to my board. But SWO is correctly enabled but unfortunately count value is not print in the SWO viewer. So, how to I have the data in SWO Viewer. I have to attach the my software screenshot and source code for your reference that boxed line only I have add to see the count values. Thanks in advance for yours Guidance .
2024-06-04 3:18 AM
@Vignesh_V wrote:My board is not support to flash the code by using STM32CUBEIDE.
What do you mean by that?
STM32CubeIDE is totally agnostic to what board you use - if you have the SWD (or JTAG) connection, it will use it.
@Vignesh_V wrote:I want to see the data in SWO (Serial Wire Viewer). .
Any particular reason for that? Would a serial terminal not be simpler?
2024-06-04 4:45 AM
Is this a custom board or one of ST eval. boards? Does it have on-board or external ST-LINK?
> My board is not support to flash the code by using STM32CUBEIDE.
What error message do you see in CubeIDE ?
2024-06-04 5:27 AM
2024-06-04 5:44 AM
I did not know why my board is not support in STM32CUBEIDE i use Standard board .I have use Trace Asynchronous Sw instead of JTAG in system core SYS option. Because I have see the data through serial so i have use SWV. You have to tell if any other option was there in to see the data serially (like Arduino Serial Monitor).I have attached below i used development board in below.
2024-06-04 5:59 AM
It doesn't have a template for your board, but the tools can use it. You'll just have to deal with the chip and pin specifics when using the code generation tools.
Get a schematic for the board, and perhaps create a couple of basic projects
2024-06-04 6:01 AM
Reason, You don't have an ST-LINK set up correctly, or the GDB Server settings.
Is this an authentic ST-LINK ? Can you set it in Device Manager? Can you use STM32 Cube Programmer to connect to it?
2024-06-04 6:19 AM
@Vignesh_V wrote:I did not know why my board is not support in STM32CUBEIDE.
What makes you say that it's "not supported" ?
Again, all the STM32CubeIDE needs is the debug connection - it neither known nor cares nor needs any details of the board.
If the ST-Link utility can use the connection, then STM32CubeIDE can use it.
But not both at the same time!
@Vignesh_V wrote:Because I have see the data through serial so i have use SWV.
I don't understand what you mean by that
@Vignesh_V wrote:You have to tell if any other option was there in to see the data serially (like Arduino Serial Monitor)..
Yes, you can do that: you send the data out of the STM32 using a UART, and connect that, eg, through a USB-to-UART cable, to a terminal on a PC. (this is exactly how Arduino & its serial monitor works).
@Vignesh_V wrote:I have attached below i used development board in below.
Just a picture doesn't really tell us a lot - give us full details of make, model, etc. Provide a link to the seller's page; schematics, etc.
Perhaps it would be better if you started with an ST board - such as a NUCLEO-F401RE - then you wouldn't have all the difficulties of this unknown board.
2024-06-04 10:41 PM
Yes I have use the authentic St-Link.yes when I connect the st-Link to my system i my system device manager shows only Universal Serial Bus device (STM32 STLink).In Port option com port didnot show anything.Yes i have use the Stm32 Cube Programmar i have spaced same issues on Stm32 Programmar likewise.You have to tell the step by step procedure for set the ST-Link correctly.I have attached the My STM32F407VET6 development with ST-Link orginal picture Below.
2024-06-04 11:24 PM
No, that is not a genuine ST-Link - that is a clone:
These are genuine ST-Links:
See this document for details of the full range:
Beware that these fakes can have differing pinouts:
Are you sure you've got the connections correct to match the particular clone that you have?
These clones don't have any Virtual COM Port (VCP).
You still haven't provided full details of that board you're using!