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Debug problem with clone st-linkv2

Associate II

Hi everyone!

I use stm32f103c8t6 and clone st-linkv2 when i try to debug my codes with stmcubeide i had a lot of errors. Like connection error or debug path etc. I cant solve it. When i use MDK-ARM code is working but i cant get any data. Please help!


I'm in the UK. I've never lived in a city here were I'd be able to just pop into a shop and buy something like an ST-Link off the shelf.

Surely, you must be able to find a distributor where you can order online for next-day delivery?

I will contact with the links below.

Andreas Bolsch
Lead II

Indeed, it's not nice to use clones. But anyway as you're in a hurry: I came across a whole batch of clones which had 100 Ohms series resistors in SWCLK and SWDIO lines (a bit high, but not the primary obstacle) and with 1k2 Ohm pull-down and pull-up on SWCLK and SWDIO, respectively. Removing the 1k2 pull-down on SWCLK cured the problem.

The symptom was unreliable connection, sometimes ok for a few seconds, then breaking reapeatedly, parity errors ...

So, check for sensible resistor values.

Indeed, to be fair, I have used clones in the past and they have worked.

Another thing to beware of is that clones which look identical might have different pinouts!

