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STM32H735G-DK DFSDM Audio Record example not working

Associate II

Hello all,


I have not been able to get the DFSDM_AudioRecord example to work on STM32H735G-DK.

I am using CubeFW v1.11.2 and Cube MX 6.11.1.


Furthermore, I tried debugging and noticed that the DMA Callbacks for Half and Full complete are called. Then I checked the buffers to notice that the values in it were always, 32768.


The example BSP, also does not playback any recorded audio (through MEMS loopback), but is able to play the stored audio. So, the Line-Out is working fine. It has to be the MEMS. 


I wanted to confirm if the examples are configured correctly, or if something on my board is faulty.

Can someone from ST or User Community please confirm that this example is working?


ST Employee

Hello @NRedd.2 ,

To ensure proper functionality, you must plug the MB1299_Microphone_MEMS_Module into the STM32H735G-DK ( on CN20). We have tested the example using this MEMS module, and it works correctly.

STM32H735DK board :



Microphone MEMS Module :



If this solves your problem, please mark my answer as "Best Answer" by clicking on the "Select as Best" button, this can be helpful for Community users to find this solution faster. 

Thank you

BeST regards