2022-03-28 2:05 AM
Hello there,
I have a STM32F303 chip and use ST-Link V2 to update the FW of the chip on my board.
If I uses STM32 ST-LINK Utility(V4.6.0.0) to update the FW of the chip, then it's working fine:
after updating FW and after power cycle, the chip on my board worked fine.(FW started to run normally)
But If I uses ST-LINK_CLI.exe(V3.6.0.0) to update the FW, it will start to run only after finishing the writing.
The chip doesn't start to run the FW after power cycling.
My CLI commands:
[Set Option Bytes]:
-OB RDP=0 nSRAM_Parity=1 nRST_STOP=1 nRST_STDBY=1 VDDA=1 nBoot1=1 WDG_SW=1 Data0=0x00 Data1=0xFF
[Connect then programing]:
-c ID=0 SWD HOTPLUG Srst Freq=125 -ME -P "[my dir]/fw_file.hex" 0x08020000 -V -NoPrompt -Rst -Run 0x08020000
(The address 0x08020000 is just like what Utility catches)
Is there anything lost of my settings for CLI?
Additionally, my STM32F303 chip seems to be damaged after I use Utility/CLI to write the FW several several times. It cannot be connected anymore now.
(Every time for this board: Can not connect to target! Other boards are OK to be connected)
I would like to know what is the standard write times of STM32 MCU?
2022-03-28 6:02 AM
You can compare the flash after using ST-Link Utility and after STM32CubeProgrammer to determine the differences in what they're doing.
Code at 0x08020000 will not be able to be ran directly. It should be at 0x08000000 or you will need a bootloader to jump to it.
> I would like to know what is the standard write times of STM32 MCU?
Depends how much you're writing, but generally a few seconds. Should be specs in the datasheet.