2022-03-28 7:10 AM
We are using STM32F427VGT6TR, in our project. We found the MCU went to "Level1- read protection" while performing a hardware debugging. We are not able to disable level-1 and put the MCU into the Level-0. We are able to connect the MCU using STLink and able to read the Device ID. But not able to program or erase the flash memory/chip.
When we try to disable the level-1 protection, we see a message - "Could not set Option bytes! Please reset the target and retry". Even after resetting the target, we cannot disable level-1 protection.
Is there any way to recover this MCU? Can we change the protection level to level-0 protection?
Is there any booting configuration (booting from Flash) which will revert this protection level to 0?