2022-05-29 2:24 AM
Hi everyone, Just FYI this is my first real dive into using STMs so please excuse possible gaps in understanding.
Issue: I have been trying to program an STM Bluepill (STM32F103C8T6) but have been unable to get my pc to detect it and launch in debug mode using STMCubeIDE.
What I have tried:
ST-LINK: I have attempted to use both the STM32CubeProgrammer and STM Link-Utility to connect to the board and get the memory view to display. No amount of configuration has been able to get it to connected. I have looked up some previous posts on the matter and none have helped. (I have tried varying the mode and reset options options according to these post suggestions)
UART: I have also attempted a serial connection but am unable to connect with the following CubeProgrammer output:
10:41:50:393 : Serial Port COM4 is successfully opened.
10:41:50:393 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 1200, data-bit = 8, stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off
10:41:50:393 : No Init bits value is : 0
10:41:50:393 : Sending init command:
10:41:51:392 : waitForBytesWritten Error : The wait operation timed out.
10:41:52:392 : Error: Error occured while sending the byte 0x7F!
10:41:52:392 : Error occured while sending Init command.
10:41:52:392 : Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again...
10:41:52:419 : UART PORT CLOSE
(Varying baud rate to its lowest value has not helped)
Any suggestions are welcome :)
2022-05-29 11:40 PM
2022-05-30 1:34 PM
Well, the topic of Blue Pill has been discussed here several times (e.g. here or there), because only fakes have been installed there for a long time. These counterfeits look like originals, but behave differently and are very often rightly rejected by the STMicroelectronics software. Presumably you also have such a Blue Pill board with a fake on it?