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STLINK-V3MODS - UART RX/TX are reversed compared to VUART - Please help ?


continuing from this :

Finally found the reason why could not get data from STLINK V3-MODS from the 2nd UART

Compared to the VUART the UART RX/TX pins are reversed.

Could ST please issue a firmware fix for this ? (otherwise need gerber out new boards !)

I suspect that the  designer of the V3MOD intended the VUART port as a DCE for UUT that normally act like a DTE, while the UART port on the V3MOD acted like an DTE. if that so then that should be clearly documented , right now that isn't and thus causes my V3MOD board UART port not to work with a UUT (which is a DTE). without a firmware fix, My board need to be relayout. Would really like a confirmation as this same question also applies to the RTS/CTS pins are they configured as DCE or DTE ? Could ST please clarify the exact intent how these ports supposed to be used and are configured in  the firmware ?