2020-10-30 1:45 PM
Until now I have Made some boards with pic 12F1840 microcontroler, But Now I want to make Something bigger.
Thus I designed a Board For My Rock pi 4 to use with open plotter, for my boat.
LInk to files: https://we.tl/t-9WSUsnKv8T
I hope this works, i dit it with wetransfer, i dont no a other way to link files to my question
I used a stm32F091RCTx
The rock pi 4 has 3 volt tolerant pins and i Wanted to connect My stm32 via spi, so I First translated the spi bus from 3v to 3.3v. Next i conected 2 usarts to 2 isolated rs485 traceivers end 2 usarts to 2 isolated rs422 trancievers. I also implemented a can bus and i connected a cheap barromatric sensor .
With the rs422 busses i think i can implement nmea0183 with wich i can connect my instruments and sensors, with the can interface i think i can implement a nmea2000 bus and for the rs485 busses i got loads of home made sensor boards. But these are problems for a later date.
This board is still in the design phase and in no way raddy for production, a few things i stil have to decide on, f.i. to keep the eprom on the rpio port which is standard for a rpi hat, and a few other things
Wel that is it for now, looking out to your reply's
Best regards
bert meijer
2020-10-30 3:27 PM
VBAT is used to power up external LSE oscilator / backup registers / BDCR registers / rtc, so - if you don't use them - leave unconnected.
LSE - can be used to RTC, so - you don't need it.
You don't need to use external 8MHz cristal - you can instead use HSI - internal cristal, but HSE - external is better choice, when you use any communication protocols in your device.
Sorry - I can't download your attached file.
Regards. ;)
2020-10-30 5:55 PM
>>i don't know another way to link files to my question
There's a paper clip icon under the message window, you can upload a .ZIP file
2020-10-31 2:58 AM
2020-10-31 3:22 AM
HSI is neither a crystal nor a crystal oscillator, but a RC oscillator. And for low-speed communication on USART, SPI, I2C typically the HSI is good enough.
2020-10-31 4:37 AM
And here also My reviced circuit and board files.
I connected the eprom to 3.0v , removed the Vbat conection to 3.3v and the lse cristal.
And I also Found Out that I could have some EMC problems with the isolated rs485 transceiver. If i do it the way the data sheet describes i probably only can fit one, maybe 2. I wil have to look in to this