2020-09-28 8:04 AM
I have just recieved this circuit board and im trying to program it with an ST-LINK V2 however i keep getting the error "no stm32 target found" when trying to connect to it through SWD. Could someone help me?
2020-09-28 10:32 AM
Please double-check the connection of RST/TMS/TCK to the right pins at the STLINK-V2. Additionally you could try to Connect Under Reset to avoid trouble when running in low-power modes and/or not defining the SWD pins within your user program.
BTW: it is recommended not to use a pull-up (R19) a NRST, as there is already a built-in pull-ip (see RM0364, pg 105, fig. 9), so the capacitor (C12) is sufficient. NRST is a bidirectional pin and is also able to drive external circuitry when needed.
2020-09-28 11:11 AM
Pin 1/2 of the ST-LINK 20-pin needs to be powered so the buffers work.
The design here forecloses several methods to do signs-of-life.
The grounding of unused pins might be an issue for the boot-loader.
You can check the state of NRST, if clamped low, then power issues.
The 10K pull-up should be inconsequential.
2020-09-28 12:59 PM
Would I apply 3.3v to the reset on power up to do this? And do I have to remove the pull up resistor and jump this pads?
2020-09-28 12:59 PM
I’ve only been using pin one on the ST-LINK for power, is this likely to be my issue?
2020-09-28 1:55 PM
I think they are connected on the ST-LINK, ARM used to use VTref / VTarget on Pin#1
Generally the error you're seeing suggests the connection is wrong, or the chip is non-functional.
Would double check the orientation of the part.
With BOOT0 pulled High one could have tried to talk to the device via USART1 on PA9/PA10, you can get a 0x79 response to a 0x7F data pattern at 9600 8E1, if the IC is functional.
The external clock is not enabled at boot.
2020-09-28 3:06 PM
The components were soldered by JLCPCB and the chip is the correct orientation. What would you suggest I do?
2020-09-28 3:28 PM
Nothing jumping out on the schematic, but I'm not going to go through every pin/node.
Double check the orientation of the SWD-10 vs ST-LINK 20-pin connector
You're going to have to go through the schematic, pcb and docs, and cross-check everything, repeating the due-diligence.
I'd probably start with a minimally populated board, provide a supply, have the JTAG/SWD connections, and see if it responds.
If the part still isn't responsive, and you've cross checked all pins, and get an IC from Mouser/DigiKey of known provence