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Failed to execute MI command: target remote localhost:61234

Associate II

Hello , i have been getting this error very frequently across a few board  2x H7A3 and now i getting on H743 nucleo, sometimes i managed to resolve this by shorting boot0 pin and VCC pin then do a chip erase.  Most of the time cannot resolve this error! i am getting this error on CubeIDE 1.19.0 only. When i m using IDE1.9.0 it works perfectly and I've never seen this error. What is happening to 1.19.0 ? Why has it gone from bad to worst? Should i revert to using IDE1.9.0 ? Can ST people advise? 



Associate II

the H743 nucleo is working perfectly this morning!! dun understand why this *** pop up now !

Associate II

hello... anyone can help?

You just said it was working?


But your initial screenshot shows no target power:



yes, it was working yesterday morning, and then it died forever. I could not resolve it, I had another H7A3 nucleo also dead forever and was unable to resolve it. ok what about the 0.01 v no target power? 

@HMSEdinburge wrote:

 what about the 0.01 v no target power? 

Clearly that's a fault!

The target can't run when it has no power!

The presence of Target power is the first thing the programmer uses to determine that a target is present.

No power = No Target Present.

That's why it's saying, "No target found".

ok, how to resolved this? 

Check your hardware!

Pull a schematic, check the powering jumpers on the ST-LINK portion of the board.

The ST-LINK MCU should have one of it's analogue ADC pins wired up in a manner to measure the operating voltage of the target side STM32.

Schematics typically under the "CAD Resources" tab of the product landing pages.

Probably not the SMPS/LDO VOS type issues as you've indicated the use of the BT0 / VDD jumper. But there you need to completely power cycle H7 boards for that to work.

Doing anything odd or exotic with your NUCLEO's that might be causing failure? Wired to external equipment or wiring harnesses?

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>>H743 nucleo

Which model? Guessing the NUCLEO-H743ZI2 as it looks to be an ST-LINK/V3 firmware


Power jumpers?

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