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Fail to program STM32F413 using ST-Link Utility (Sector 1 is erased automatically)

Stefan W
Associate II
Posted on April 12, 2017 at 13:56


I want to program the STM32F413 with the ST-Link Utility (CLI and UI has the same issue). We have two hex-files. One for the bootloader in the first sectors and one for the firmware in other sectors. Of course no overlapping. Programming always fails. The ST-Link Utility does not report any errors, but when checking the memory after programming both files, sector 1 is always erased. After loading the first hex-files it looks fine, but after loading the second, it is reset to all 1. The other sectors are all okay.

Not an alternative for us, but I also tried to put both hex-files into one. This does not work either. 

Programming the controller with OpenOCD works fine.

To reproduce the behavior:

  • Connect to a STM32F413 via ST-Link Utility v4.0
  • Set the values of the following addresses to zero: 0x08003FFC, 0x08004000, 0x08007FFC, 0x08008000
  • Program a simple hex-file to another sector (like test.hex in attachment)
  • Check the values at the addresses above

In my case the values in sector 1 (

0x08004000 and 0x08007FFC) are reset to all 1. The values outside of sector 1 (0x08003FFC and 0x08008000) are still set to zero.

Here some version information:

STM32 ST-LINK Utility.exe   v4.0.0.0

STLinkUSBDriver.dll             v4.4.0.0

ST-Link_CLI.exe                   v3.0.0.0

Firmware Version:                 V2.J27.S0 STM32 Debugger

Any ideas? Could someone please try to reproduce this problem?

#stm32f413vg #stm32-st-link-utility
Ondrej HOLY
ST Employee
Posted on July 18, 2017 at 14:40

Dear All,

Sorry for the late reaction. This bug is already fixed. The MCU support can share with you the patch for the ST-Link Utility v4.0.0.0 or it will be in incoming version of ST-Link Utility.

Have a nice day, Ondrej

Posted on July 18, 2017 at 14:47



Will the new version also have the

facility implemented?



Posted on July 19, 2017 at 11:47

Dear Jan,

I have no information about the plan of manual target reset in ST-Link Utility.

Have a nice day, Ondrej

Posted on July 19, 2017 at 15:14


But thanks for the info.

A fine day to you, too!
