2023-12-24 09:00 PM
Hi, I own a rotary inverted pendulum,
The product refer me to this website, but I can't find a solution to my problem "https://sites.google.com/view/ucla-st-motor-control/home"
My Problem: I tried to test this device with different PID gains using both PuTTY on Windows and Screen utility in Mac OSX, but whenever I open the matlab real time workbench program, the gain I entered in PuTTY/Screen will automatically change back to the default value.
For example, I select "g" mode in the terminal for dual PID control, if I enter random gain in inverted pendulum mode such as :
Pendulum Kp =100 , Ki =0, Kd =10,
Rotor Kp =10, Ki =1, Kd =10,
the system will somehow work. Then if I close the PuTTY/Screen window as the manual said, and open the real time workbench file in Matlab, the displayed gain will not be the one I entered, it will change back to the default value (kp=300, ki=0 .....)
Can anyone help me if similar experience had happened to you?
thank you