2010-11-18 12:40 PM
I've sadly got to know that native ST-Link built in my STM32Discovery won't work with OpenOCD. So my question is: what hardware would you suggest to connect Discovery with to use OpenOCD? Some Jtag? First question should be: is it possible to do so? TIA Best Regards Maciej #openocd-stlink #openocd #stlink #swd2010-01-02 1:03 PM
Yes it's possible
See here [DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32VLDiscovery/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32VLDiscovery/ST-Link Linux Driver&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D758000491D59B8574F8049B5DFA3E8B21CBA51]Flat.aspx And here /Bingo2010-11-18 1:50 PM
Seems to defeat the point of having the debug hardware on the board.
You can always disconnect the SWD (CN3 jumpers, separate ST-LINK from STM32), and then wire up either your own SWD or JTAG connection to the STM32. The schematic is here http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/um/17217.pdf Documents the connectors, and solder bridges, etc.2011-01-19 1:44 AM
2011-04-23 5:35 AM
OpenOCD not working with STM32Discovery, but exists stlink project, which fine working with STM32Discover.
The newest version doesn't work for me though, try this one:
It works:
For compile cut -Werror in build/Makefile,
add to gcc options
-Wl,--section-start=.text=0x8000000 \ #for load to flash
-Wl,--section-start=.text=0x20000000 \ #for load to SRAM
or change you ldscript
and read README.
2012-05-08 12:05 PM
This an old thread but still quite relevant.
OpenOCD does now support the stlink, both stlink/v1 and stlink/v2. Board config's exist for all current discovery boards and standalone dongles.: stm32f0discovery, stm32f4discovery, stm32ldiscovery, stm32vldiscovery. Cheers Spen2012-05-09 1:53 AM
OpenOCD does not support SWD at all, at least up to now. So are at least my latest information.
Or am I wrong here ?2012-07-04 1:32 AM
SWD is only supported in OpenOCD when using the stlink adapter.