2022-10-19 2:53 AM
I am working on following platform:
Hardware - STM32H745I-DISCO board.
IDE - STM32CubeIDE v1.8.0.
I am using JTAG mode in ST-link for debugging. I am using external QSPI flash to store my code and external SDRAM to run the code. The code first goes in bootloader which is present in the internal flash after which the code jumps to the location of external QSPI flash. But as soon as the code tries to jump at location of external QSPI flash, error "Target is not responding, retrying..." comes in console window. After that debugging session ends and IDE comes out of the debugging session.
Please help how to come out of this issue. In SWD mode debugging is working fine with both the cores.
2022-10-19 5:26 AM
Check you're not reconfiguring any of the JTAG pins.
Don't reconfigure the clocks and memory interfaces a second time.
2022-10-19 6:19 AM
@Community member No, JTAG pins are not used anywhere else.
When I am debugging the CM4 and CM7 cores individually I am able to debug them. But when I am trying to debug both the cores together then error comes and debugging session ends.
2022-10-19 6:35 AM
Hard to know what CubeIDE / GDB add to the mix.
The cores should be viable together provided the driver stack is robust. Sleeping cores will be a problem, make sure all related debug flags are enabled.
Perhaps try the experiment on more capable tools.
2022-10-19 9:11 AM
> In SWD mode debugging is working fine with both the cores.
Great. So, use the SWD mode?
2022-10-19 10:07 AM
I haven't looked at the STM32H745I-DISCO schematic recently, does it even wire a full complement of JTAG pins?
The core and ST-LINK/V3 is supposed to support multi-core via the SWD