2024-09-18 6:58 AM
Currently I tried STM32Programmer_CLI and ST-LINK_CLI, both more than 100 times slower than StmStudio - StLink - SWD - MCU. The solution can only work up to 4Hz with 1 mcu and less with >1 mcu. StmStudio can run at least 250Hz with more exchanged data.
I tried this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe" -c port=SWD sn={serialNumber} mode=HOTPLUG speed=Fast -r8 0x20000000 0x8"
I need to run up to 20 mcu's simultaneously (6 is minimum), at least one must exchange data faster than 10Hz, prefer >50Hz, the rest can run 1Hz or sub 1Hz. Must be able to be addressed by StLink serialnumber.
Mcu firmware is locked so far. Mcu Hardware (circuit/PCB) is locked, so stuck with SWD, no USB/serialport.
Would another interface improve interface speed, e.g. Segger J-Link?
I am currently trying to get StLink-lib.dll working, will it be faster?
Please note, I am a hardware designer so software is not my primary job.
ANY advice is appreciated, especially if it is detailed and easy to understand, assume I am new to this.
Any guides/videos on this topic would be great, but any help/insight really.
2024-09-18 7:16 AM
This will be used for production tuning/testing of boards, minimum 6pcs and maximum 20pcs.
The solution I have tried so far has a high overhead, meaning it will open/close for each command/request and it contains much more data than what is relevant.
Best case, I can open "a channel" to a mcu, at this time all the "overhead" data is relevant, after that it would be beneficial if only SN of the stlink + the data was exchanged, I assume this is what stmstudio does?
Currently we are running a testsoftware in NodeRed/CobeMON, but it is very difficult to change from one testsoftware to another and it is not very stable.
I am not fixed on using C#.
2024-09-18 7:20 AM
Segger J-Link can provide a better speed.
2024-09-18 7:22 AM
Do you know how mush faster it is?
What would my approach be, I assume there might be more than one API available?
2024-09-18 7:40 AM
That would be specific to Segger - nothing to do with ST.
Probably better to ask Segger: https://forum.segger.com/index.php/Board/3-J-Link-Flasher-related/
2024-09-18 7:52 AM
Thanks, of course I can address it in the Segger J-link forum.
Finding a "fast and stable" way of getting memory data, in an out of an STM32 mcu, certainly has something to do with ST, as long as I am working on STM32 mcu's.
2024-09-18 8:17 AM
But finding what is supported by a Segger J-Link, and what is the performance of a Segger J-Link aren't to do with ST!
2024-09-18 8:21 AM
I must admit, I would prefer to use stlinks, and hope someone has a good solution with that.
2024-09-18 8:24 AM
One of the reasons (at least, so Segger would say) that J-Links are so much more expensive is that they offer (much?) higher performance.
ST-Links focus on being low-cost.
2024-09-18 8:27 AM
I agree, this is why I want to use StLink, also of course, we have them already in our testbench.