2006-02-09 3:15 AM
2011-05-17 3:10 AM
I have just started with the DK3400 Development kit.
I loaded the USB Disk Demo, and every thing was OK. It works. More than one month working and finally I finished my HID-firmware. Now I wanted to test it. I loaded the firmware to the uPSD3400 (OK). Then I startet it (Keil / ULINK). I plugged the USB cable into DK3400 and then into PC --> and the ED3K4 daughter board is out of order. The ULINK can not find the uPSD3400 any more. Is the ED3K4 uPSD3400 daughter board defect? Who could tell, why did this happen while I plugged the USB cable into PC. How could I get a new one (ED3K4 uPSD3400 daughter board)? But not the whole development kit!! thanks Joseph2011-05-17 3:10 AM
I had operation mode 4 (uPSD+ULINK mode).
I measured the voltage after U1 (voltage regulator): - ED3K4 plugged: +2V - ED3K4 unplugged: +6V the voltage should be +6V!! where could I get a new ED3K4 daughter board? I can not find it in the Online shop!!! PLS HELP thanks Joseph