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P-NUCLEO-IOM01M1 not detected in TEConept application

Associate II

Hi, I am using P-NUCLEO-IOM01M1 board for IO-Link as a Master device. After I updated the firmware in NUCLEO-F446RE, device is not detected in the TEConcept tool. Please help me out in this regards. I wrote to TE Concept regarding this issue. They told me to contact you. 

ST Employee

Welcome @rajeshsudi, to the community!

First of all, please note: the community is a platform for mutual help between users (see Community Terms and Conditions, article 7), for a direct support of STMicroelectronics you should use the Online Support OLS.

The P-NUCLEO-IOM01M1 is a NUCLEO pack that allows you to try out an IO-Link master as test firmware on the MCU for a period of 10,000 minutes (see DB3629). I don't know exactly what you mean by "updated the firmware", but as soon as you program your own firmware, you have to purchase your own license from TEConcept for your project.

Hope that helps?

Good luck!

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Associate II

Thank you Peter BENSCH for your reply. Firmware is nothing but the binary file provided in the website link "". Using this binary file STM32F446RE is reprogrammed. After reprogramming the board, the application is not detecting the board. Instead it gives an error as "Master Not Connected".

Hi, I am not able to connect P-NUCLEO-IOM01m1 to TEConcept tool as I have reprogrammed NUCLEO-F446RE with the downloaded program from ST website "en-st-sw-iom001" file. Before programming I am able to connect to the tool. After reprogramming it is not. I also used IOLINK GUI to detect the firmware version, LED test. Using this tool also not able to connect to device. I have taken snapshots of IOLINK GUI below are the images:


Please suggest suitable solution.
