2013-11-15 5:41 AM
Dear all,
I think I am almost done with the this program, but when I plug after pprogramming my STM32F4 Discovery board. It gives an exclamation mark, (Code 10) generally. ''The I/O request was canceled.'' is written as well in the device status. I am attaching the programming made on KEIL uVision please help me out with this program.Umair Mukati. #usb #microphone #stm32f4discovery2013-11-15 9:13 AM
#define USBD_VID 0x0483
#define USBD_PID 0x5730
You don't change VID/PID from the original audio speaker example.
Assign a new VID/PID,
uninstall the device instance on Device Manager of your Windows PC,
when you change descriptors so much.
2013-11-15 10:36 PM
I changed the PID and VID still no change, just a new driver install then it works as it was working.
2013-11-16 1:37 AM
It is not working, please some one help!
2013-11-16 7:31 AM
Capture the enumeration sequence on a sniffer, to know exactly the problem Windows see.
These USB sniffers can capture enumeration sequence, USBlyzer (33days free trial) http://www.usblyzer.com/ USBTrace (15days free trial) http://www.sysnucleus.com/ To capture enumeration, Run USBlyzer, enable ''Capture->Capture Hot-plugged'' menu, and plug in your device. OR After starting USBTrace, click the Capture Hot Plugged Devices menu or toolbar button and start capture. And then, plug in your device. If you would see any error line on the sniffer log, it shows the problem on which we have to focus. If the log doesn't put any error, the last ''URB'' line suggests the problem. Tsuneo2013-11-20 5:08 AM
Thanks for your reply, I have uploaded a file. Please see the issue. I am unable to understand. ________________ Attachments : USB_Audio_Microphone.ulz : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0cI&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bbP%2FoIFt5lKnVYNLv.G04cUXS6WqDoDFHoT6kbfcTOOXtEM&asPdf=false2013-11-20 5:39 AM
Please help me with this issue.
2013-11-20 7:46 AM
> I have uploaded a file. Please see the issue.
Do you expect that I would check every line of your code? I don't have so much free time for you. Code 10 on Windows occurs on every kind of errors. Get more exact clue on a sniffer, so that we can focus on more narrow range of your source code to find bugs. Tsuneo2013-11-21 6:44 AM
The matter is that, I am very close to FYP submission date.
I am trying to solve this issue for a month but unsuccessful. And source for this type of device is still not available. That's why I want to ask someone who has got much experience in this field.Although, I know it takes time, you are right.2013-11-21 9:40 AM
The matter is that, I am very close to FYP submission date. I am trying to solve this issue for a month but unsuccessful. And source for this type of device is still not available.
It is perhaps foolhardy to presume that all code you might need comes magically packaged on the internet, and with free support. People who can write and debug code well are expensive, and likely already have degrees and jobs. You need to focus on what exactly fails, and when it first fails. ''Code 10'' is a symptom, not a diagnosis. You'd want to review the logs, and ideally have some other working device with which to compare your situation. Understand how USB works with respect to the class of device you are creating. Perhaps examples exist on other platforms that might be instructive. Can your project supervisor, and class mates, not render any assistance?