2014-03-28 6:02 AM
I received a couple of LIS3 samples last week and I'm using them in order to gain a little experience in the field of magnetometers. I managed to install the chip on top of a plastic pen in order to use it as a magnetic ''probe''. As i get near a magnet, I see a component of magnetic field rising to full scale. That's great but I noticed that the value remains in a sort of memory even if I reset o power cycle the device. Is this correct? Configuration for ctrl_registers: 1-0x5c 2-0x40 3-0x00 4-0x08 5-0x00 Reading data is done by:outXL=i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(fh,OUTXL);
usleep(50000); outXH=i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(fh,OUTXH); usleep(50000); outX=(outXH<<8)|outXL; Output:47
Status ff rX 0.7050 rY -12.0000 rZ -0.1743 48 Status ff rX 0.6984 rY -12.0000 rZ -0.1761 As you can see, Y components remains ''high'' after getting close to a magnet, even if I put the sensor far from it. Thank you in advance. Best regards.