2022-12-18 10:25 PM
Hello Everyone!
I am working on a project with 4 mems microphone and I want to get the estimated angle (sound source localization) using Acoustic SL library, but I don't know how to get it?
I have Nucleo-F401RE board and I want to locate sound source with 4 mems microphones, please guide me.
I have the library and the code but don't know how to use it. I am new to STM32 and mems technology.
Why is no one answering me?
I have changed the code, it's an acoustic_sl.h file. Just tell me how can I use it to calculate the angle?
* @file acoustic_sl.h
* @author SRA
* @brief This file contains Acoustic Sound Source Localization library definitions.
* @attention
* Copyright (c) 2022 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in
* the root directory of this software component.
* If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __ACOUSTIC_SL_H
#define __ACOUSTIC_SL_H
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stdint.h"
/** @addtogroup MIDDLEWARES
* @{
* @{
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup Acoustic_SL_Exported_Constants AcousticSL Exported Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup Acoustic_SL_algorithm_type
* @brief Source Localization algorithm type
* @{
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_ALGORITHM_XCORR ((uint32_t)0x00000001)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_ALGORITHM_GCCP ((uint32_t)0x00000002)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_ALGORITHM_BMPH ((uint32_t)0x00000004)
* @}
/** @defgroup Acoustic_SL_errors
* @brief Source Localization errors
* @{
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_ALGORITHM_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000001)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_PTR_CHANNELS_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000002)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_CHANNEL_NUMBER_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000004)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_SAMPLING_FREQ_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000008)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_RESOLUTION_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000010)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_THRESHOLD_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000020)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_DISTANCE_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000040)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_NUM_OF_SAMPLES_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000080)
#define ACOUSTIC_SL_PROCESSING_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x00000100)
#define ACOUSTIC_LOCK_ERROR ((uint32_t)0x10000000)
* @}
* @}
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup Acoustic_SL_Exported_Types AcousticSL Exported Types
* @{
* @brief Library handler. It keeps track of the static parameters
* and it handles the internal state of the algorithm.
typedef struct
uint32_t algorithm; /*!< Specifies the algorithm to be used between XCORR and GCC-PHAT. This parameter can be a value of @ref
Acoustic_SL_algorithm_type. Default value is ACOUSTIC_BF_TYPE_CARDIOID_BASIC */
uint32_t sampling_frequency; /*!< Specifies the sampling frequency - for future use */
uint32_t channel_number; /*!< Specifies the number of channels, can be 2 for 180° estimation, 4 for 360° estimation. Default value is
2. */
uint8_t ptr_M1_channels; /*!< Number of channels in the stream of Microphone 1. Deafult value is 1. */
uint8_t ptr_M2_channels; /*!< Number of channels in the stream of Microphone 2. Deafult value is 1. */
uint8_t ptr_M3_channels; /*!< Number of channels in the stream of Microphone 3. Deafult value is 1. */
uint8_t ptr_M4_channels; /*!< Number of channels in the stream of Microphone 4. Deafult value is 1. */
uint16_t M12_distance; /*!< Distance between Mic1 and Mic2 in decimals of a millimeter. Deafult value is 150. */
uint16_t M34_distance; /*!< Distance between Mic3 and Mic4 in decimals of a millimeter. Deafult value is 150. */
uint32_t internal_memory_size; /*!< Keeps track of the amount of memory required for the current setup.
It's filled by the AcousticSL_getMemorySize() function and must
be used to allocate the right amount of RAM */
uint32_t * pInternalMemory; /*!< Pointer to the memory allocated by the user */
int16_t samples_to_process; /*!< Specifies the number of samples to be processed at a time */
} AcousticSL_Handler_t;
* @brief Library dynamic configuration handler. It contains dynamic parameters.
typedef struct
uint16_t threshold; /*!< Specifies a value related to a voice-activity score. With values below the threshold, the algorithm does not act. The threshold value ranges from 0 to 1000 and the default value is 24. */
uint32_t resolution; /*!< Angle resolution for the algorithms. Ignored if XCORR is used. Deafult value is 4. */
} AcousticSL_Config_t;
* @}
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported define -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup Acoustic_SL_Exported_Functions AcousticSL Exported Functions
* @{
* @brief Fills the "internal_memory_size" of the pHandler parameter passed as argument with a value representing the
* right amount of memory needed by the library, depending on the specific static parameters adopted.
* @param pHandler: AcousticSL_Handler_t filled with desired parameters.
* @retval 0 if everything is fine.
uint32_t AcousticSL_getMemorySize(AcousticSL_Handler_t * pHandler);
* @brief Library initialization.
* @param pHandler: AcousticSL_Handler_t filled with desired parameters.
* @retval 0 if everything is fine.
* different from 0 if erroneous parameters have been passed to the Init function and the default value has been used.
* The specific error can be recognized by checking the relative bit in the returned word.
uint32_t AcousticSL_Init(AcousticSL_Handler_t * pHandler);
* @brief Library data input
* @param pM1: pointer to an array that contains PCM samples (16 bit signed int)
* representing 1 ms of data acquired by the first channel.
* @param pM2: pointer to an array that contains PCM samples (16 bit signed int)
* representing 1 ms of data acquired by the second channel.
* @param pM3: pointer to an array that contains PCM samples (16 bit signed int)
* representing 1 ms of data acquired by the third channel.
* @param pM4: pointer to an array that contains PCM samples (16 bit signed int)
* representing 1 ms of data acquired by the fourth channel.
* @param pHandler: pointer to the handler of the curent Source Localization instance running.
* @retval 1 if data collection is finished and libSoundSourceLoc_Process must be called, 0 otherwise.
* @note Input function reads samples skipping the required number of values depending on the Ptr_Mx_Channels configuration.
* @note pM3 and pM4 are ignored in the case the library is setup for using 2 channels.
uint32_t AcousticSL_Data_Input(void *pM1, void *pM2, void *pM3, void *pM4, AcousticSL_Handler_t * pHandler);
* @brief Library run function, performs audio analysis when all required data has been collected.
* @param Estimated_Angle: pointer to the int32_t variable that will contain the computed value.
* @param pHandler: pointer to the handler of the current Source Localization instance running.
* @retval 0 if everything is ok, 1 otherwise
uint32_t AcousticSL_Process(int32_t * Estimated_Angle, AcousticSL_Handler_t * pHandler);
* @brief Library setup function, it sets the values for threshold and resolution. It can be called at runtime to change
* dynamic parameters.
* @note Only the threshold and resolution are evaluated by the SetConfig function.
* @retval 0 if everything is fine.
* different from 0 if erroneous parameters have been passed to the Init function and the default value has been used.
* The specific error can be recognized by checking the relative bit in the returned word.
uint32_t AcousticSL_setConfig(AcousticSL_Handler_t * pHandler, AcousticSL_Config_t * pConfig);
* @brief Fills the pConfig structure with the actual dynamic parameters as they are currently used inside the library.
* @param pHandler: pointer to the handler of the current Source Localization instance running.
* @param pConfig: pointer to the dynamic parameters handler that will be filled with the current library configuration
* @retval 0 if everything is fine.
uint32_t AcousticSL_getConfig(AcousticSL_Handler_t * pHandler, AcousticSL_Config_t * pConfig);
* @brief To be used to retrieve version information.
* @param version char array to be filled with the current library version
* @retval 0 if everything is fine.
uint32_t AcousticSL_GetLibVersion(char *version);
* @}
* @}
* @}
#endif /* __ACOUSTIC_SL_H */
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-01-04 7:47 AM
2023-01-04 7:47 AM