2021-02-15 4:32 AM
I have to interface digital mems mic ics43432 with a STM32f4xx nucleo board using stm32cubeMX using the PDM2PCM middleware and when the output of the mic will be PDM. the obtained PDM data has to converted into a PCM and transferred onto an UART . The PCM output samples displayed on UART for a certain time of 10seconds has to be captured and those has to be listened and analyzed ,after that the samples has to be transferred to a SD card . . Can some Experts help me with this. As I am new to development of the STM32 boards? Can somebody explain how does the middleware PDM2PCM work?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-02-15 7:34 AM
Hi @Community member ,
While checking for further support by the PDM2PCM library experts, I can suggest you to check the Bluecoin kit (and the related firmware package STSW-BCNKT01) can be of some help for your application.
The Bluecoin kit is composed by an STM32F4 MCU and 4 PDM ST MEMS microphone, uses the PDM2PCM library and contains example of data streaming on USB/UART (check the folder path: \Projects\BlueCoin\Applications\DataLog).
In brief, the DataLog application features sensor raw data streaming via USB (Virtual COM Port class) and sensor data storage on SD card.
You can always use the STM32CubeMX to set your hardware connections in a graphical way.
2021-02-15 7:34 AM
Hi @Community member ,
While checking for further support by the PDM2PCM library experts, I can suggest you to check the Bluecoin kit (and the related firmware package STSW-BCNKT01) can be of some help for your application.
The Bluecoin kit is composed by an STM32F4 MCU and 4 PDM ST MEMS microphone, uses the PDM2PCM library and contains example of data streaming on USB/UART (check the folder path: \Projects\BlueCoin\Applications\DataLog).
In brief, the DataLog application features sensor raw data streaming via USB (Virtual COM Port class) and sensor data storage on SD card.
You can always use the STM32CubeMX to set your hardware connections in a graphical way.
2021-02-16 4:02 AM
Hi Eleon ,
Thank you for the help once again ,yes I checked the usage of PDM2PCM and the use of STM32CubeMX for the hardware. I have interfaced the MEMS mic tdk ics43432 with STM32F466re nucleo board and generated a PDM_out for a Serial clock of 1.024MHz with decimation of 64 and below is the PCM _out I have got it and attached it for the view. I am not sure how to validate is this accurate one.
Well my further query is ,these PCM values in a buffer I got to capture them for a certain time lets say 5 seconds print them on an UART.
well again this data captured for that certain time has to be converted into a dB SPL value and print serially again for every 1 second.
this serving as the study case for real time project containing an threshold value set for an acoustic sensor with stm32 cortex M7series MCUs.
Thanks in advance.
2021-02-16 4:24 AM
Hi Eleon ,
Thank you for the help once again ,yes I checked the usage of PDM2PCM and the use of STM32CubeMX for the hardware. I have interfaced the MEMS mic tdk ics43432 with STM32F466re nucleo board and generated a PDM_out for a Serial clock of 1.024MHz with decimation of 64 and below is the PCM _out I have got it and attached it for the view. I am not sure how to validate is this accurate one.
Well my further query is ,these PCM values in a buffer I got to capture them for a certain time lets say 5 seconds print them on an UART.
well again this data captured for that certain time has to be converted into a dB SPL value and print serially again for every 1 second.
this serving as the study case for real time project containing an threshold value set for an acoustic sensor with stm32 cortex M7series MCUs.
Thanks in advance.
2021-02-16 11:55 PM
Hi @Community member ,
maybe the application in \Projects\BlueCoin\Applications\AudioLoop of the STSW-BCNKT01 could be closer to your purpose...
But let me try to find some internal help for your query.
I see you posted also ->here<-: in case you don't receive support soon, can I refer to this post from now on?
2021-02-17 12:53 AM
Hi Eleon ,
Sure If the other post doesn't receive the response soon , this post will be the reference henceforth.
Well further the application goes on like in a junction of roads these acoustics sensors captures all kinds of audio signals for analysis purpose and these recorded stored in a SD card ,signals are sent to a central server in a specific period and system having a RF for communications to send/receive data with RS485 interface.
Well thanks very much for your help.
Have a great day .
2021-02-17 8:50 PM
Hi Eleon ,
Sure If the other post doesn't receive the response soon , this post will be the reference henceforth.
Well further the application goes on like in a junction of roads these acoustics sensors captures all kinds of audio signals for analysis purpose and these recorded stored in a SD card ,signals are sent to a central server in a specific period and system having a RF for communications to send/receive data with RS485 interface.
Well thanks very much for your help.
Have a great day .
2021-02-18 12:16 AM
Hi @Community member ,
thank you for the application details, it's an interesting field indeed!
I answered to your other post.
2021-02-18 12:58 AM
Hi Eleon,
Yes I saw that .. thanks alot for your inputs and support at the crucial time.
Thanks once again.