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Forum Posts

Resolved! VL53L4CX meaning of CalibrationData

Hi,I would like to know the meaning of each data in the L4CX calibration data(VL53LX_CalibrationData_t in API), because there is a lot of data for this IC, and I would like to confirm the status of the calibration from the data.Thank you.

YChen.9 by Associate II
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SATEL-VL53L8 + ESP32 => VL53L8CX ULD Loading failed

Hello everybody,I have connected a SATEL-VL53L8 board to my ESP32, and I am trying to run the basic ranging example, using ULD driver. When I run the example, I get VL53L8CX ULD Loading failed in the serial terminal. Trying to figure out what's wrong...

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milukic by Associate II
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Resolved! vl53l1cb: how to get the maximum distance

hello, I'm using a vl53l1cb satel board, but I'm not been able to get a reading greater than 4m (aprox).I'm using the vl53l1 zephyr RTOS driver, and I'm aware that the roi selection is different than the one of the UM2133, so I'm not selecting a spec...

VL53L8CH raw data

Hello,We want to do an experiment for smoke detection with ST's ToF technology. We are using the following STM products:    - VL53L8CH    - x-Nucleo-53l7a1     - STSW-IMG043The GUI has so many configurations and it provides raw data and algorithm out...

aroshani by Associate III
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Resolved! Light Characterization for VL53L8CH VCSEL

Hello,I am trying to do some ray tracing simulation for your VL53L8CH in a specific environment. I was wondering if you have any data beyond the "Field of Illumination" diagram for your VCSEL emitter (I assume you make your own emitters in-house). An...

JGarrettW by Associate II
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VD6283_GUI application not starting on Windows

Hello,   I'm trying to use the VD6283 sensor on a X-NUCLEO-6283A1 plugged in a Nucleo-64 STM32F401.   For this, I've installed the latest ST-Link drivers and the software STSW-IMG301. My board is well recognized on Windows device manager as a "STM ST...

VL53L1X in humid and pressurised environments

Hello, i want to use the VL53L1X, or equal TOF sensor in humid and pressurised environments. First Prototypen are potted into Epoxyd-Resin.  I also want to try parylene coating, because of hydrophob surface.  For that reason I want to ask, if anyone ...

MIKE_94 by Associate
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IMG043_EVK Configuration issue on VL53L7CH

I am using the IMG403 EVK GUI to test and validate the module VL53L7CH in a product. I am facing a few issues in the GUI. While trying to plot the histogram in "Zone 8x8" mode, I am getting an error. Similarly, if I change the configuration "MZ-AI Co...