2021-05-30 9:35 PM
Hi Everyone, I am pretty new to working with a GNSS so please excuse my ignorance on some of these topics.
I have been trying to find ways to check if I have a 3D fix or not so I tried to do this by disabling the 2D fix on "CDB-ID 222 – LMS operating mode setting 1" of the Teseo. Once I did this I am assuming that any fix message I get on the --GNS message that I have a 3D fix.
Is this understanding of mine accurate?
Else I was wondering if anyone knows any particular method of specifically checking if I have a 3D fix already on the Teseo LIV3F
Thanks in advance!
2021-05-30 9:54 PM
GSA should indicate a 2D or 3D fix
2021-05-30 10:13 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for your quick reply and that link.
I was using the Teseo Liv3f software manual from: https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00398983-teseoliv3-gnss-module--software-manual-stmicroelectronics.pdf which I did not explicitly see the same terms used as per the standard NMEA messages.
Is it safe to assume that for the current mode parameter as per the Teseo software manual that 1 = no fix, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D?