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GPS data being sent vs Teseo Suite

Associate III

Hello all,


I have a GNSS1A1 board with the LIV3F module. My problem is, in teseo suite my gps location shows up accurately, however when I look at the messages it is clear to me my location in those messages are far away from me.

How is this possible? I am trying to make a software that interprets the data and my location in there shows up completely flawed. Even tried adding a triangulating function.

0.2 degrees lateral
0.18 degrees longitudal


You've given no example of output vs your interpretation.

Probably because you aren't decoding the NMEA properly, it reports a DDDMM.mmmm form and you're trying to decode directly as a DDD.ddddd (Decimal Degrees) form.

There are 60 minutes in a degree, not 100

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