2024-08-27 6:54 PM
When we post in "STM32 MCU Products" category, there are per-series labels.
But no such labels in ":Embedded Software". This is a pity because the firmware libraries may be specific to the STM32 series.
2024-08-28 2:38 AM
Absolutely this!
Also in other sections.
2024-08-28 8:23 AM
Hi @Pavel A. ,
Thanks for sharing this. I passed this to a respective team to looking into this proposal. Will share an update when it's ready.
If you or @Andrew Neil , have other proposals, let us know.
2024-09-24 12:30 AM
Hello @Pavel A. ,
The labels in this section have been corrected. Let me know if it works on your end.
2024-10-03 3:47 AM
@Lina_DABASINSKAITE wrote:If you or @Andrew Neil , have other proposals, let us know.
I think a 'Feature Request' label is required in (almost?) every section.
That's a 'Feature Request', but there is no 'Feature Request' label in the CubeMX forum.
There's 'Bug Report', but no 'Feature Request'.
2024-10-04 2:51 PM
Perhaps the per-product labels should be available in all categories?
For example this post: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubeprogrammer-mcus/protecting-ip-while-flashing-with-stm32-programmer-cli-how/td-p/727643
I wanted to tag it "STM32H5" but these labels are not available there.
2024-10-07 12:59 AM
@Pavel A. wrote:Perhaps the per-product labels should be available in all categories?
I think so!
2024-10-11 5:46 AM
Hi @Andrew Neil , @Pavel A. ,
Thanks for your suggestions! Let me check this with respective teams and get back to you on this.
2024-10-23 2:16 AM
@Andrew Neil wrote:
@Pavel A. wrote:Perhaps the per-product labels should be available in all categories?
I think so!
Also a toolchain/IDE label?
2024-11-08 7:08 AM
Hi @Andrew Neil , @Pavel A.
We synced on this with the team and added the STM32 product series labels into some of the additional categories. Now, you can find them on: STM32CubeMX (MCUs, STM32CubeProgrammer (MCUs), STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools, STM32 MCUs embedded software.
Regarding "Feature request", we can not add it in the forum section as we can’t promise a feedback loop on your request from different teams. This concept will be possible on the ideation zone. I’ll let you know when it's read to reopen on the community.
Let me know if you have any questions.