A warm welcome to all new members who joined our community in the last three months!
This quarter, we celebrate a new record of authored solutions by our superusers. Also, thanks to your feedback, we have updated our label component and extended the list of file attachment types, adding ZIP and CPD.
Now, let us have a look at your latest achievements in the ST Community.
TOP 3 community superusers who authored the most solutions:
1. A new record set by @TDK with 199 solutions authored.
2. @Andrew Neil with 94 solutions authored.
3. @Tesla DeLorean with 88 solutions authored.
TOP 3 most viewed new conversations:
1. Azure RTOS NetxDuo mDNS domain set issue authored by @faharintisar
2. MC 6.3 with MX6.12 - attr not supported : Dmpu authored by @Sujoy_B
3. Flash Control Register ECC Interrupt Enable Setting has No Effect authored by @NickFF
TOP 3 forum boards with the most accepted solutions:
1. 640 accepted solutions in STM32 MCUs products
2. 198 accepted solutions in STM32 MCUs Embedded software
3. 188 accepted solutions in STM32CubeIDE (MCUs)
TOP 3 most viewed solutions:
1. Solved: elf has a LOAD segment with RWX permissions when using .RamFunc functions authored by @TDK
2. Solved: Cannot build project with CubeIDE (undefined reference to ...) authored by @MCA_Dev
3. Solved: MC 6.3 with MX6.12 - attr not supported : Dmpu authored by @ASA
TOP 3 most viewed knowledge base articles:
1. How to use the LwIP Ethernet middleware on the STM32H5 series authored by @B.Montanari
2. How to use the input capture feature authored by @Sarra.S
3. STM32 and FreeRTOS+ CLI library authored by @STM_Thirty2
Updates of the product forums' structure
We are constantly working to improve our platform, so your feedback and suggestions are always welcome: Feedback forum.
Thank you all for your active participation and contributions.
ST Community team