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ST Community highlights – October to December 2024

Community manager
Community manager

A warm welcome to all new members joining our community!  

Thanks to your feedback, we have found and fixed the editor issue and added new labels based on your request here.  

The year of 2024, we closed with: 

  • Conversations with an accepted solution increasing by 23% compared to 2023 
  • Conversations containing the first replies increased by 8% compared to 2023 

Now, let us have a look at your latest achievements and most engaged areas in the ST Community.  
TOP 3 community superusers who authored the most solutions: 
1. @Andrew Neil with 89 solutions authored 
2.  @Tesla DeLorean with 81 solutions authored 
3.  @waclawek.jan  with 54 solutions authored 
TOP 3 most viewed new conversations: 
1. STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released authored by @Semer CHERNI 
2. FLASH.ld syntax error when upgrading to CubeMX v6.12.1 authored by @hopefully 
3. Delay, multi milliseconds, on the STM32F0, again. authored by @XooM 

TOP 3 forum boards with the most accepted solutions 
1. 503 accepted solutions STM32 MCUs products 
2. 196 accepted solutions STM32 MCUs Embedded software 
3. 133 accepted solutions STM32CubeIDE (MCUs)
TOP 3 most viewed solutions:  
1. Solved: FLASH.ld syntax error when upgrading to CubeMX v6.12.1 authored by @hopefully 
2. Solved: Delay, multi milliseconds, on the STM32F0, again.. authored by @XooM 
3. Solved: Reset Configuration "set $pc=xxxxxxx", possible to use function name instead of its address? authored by @ferro 
TOP 3 most viewed knowledge base articles  
1. Implementing UART receive and transmit functions on an STM32 
2. How to use VS Code with STM32 microcontrollers  
3. Downloading STM32Cube packages from GitHub correctly  


We would like to give a special shout-out to @20jmorrison  for providing the first user contribution to the knowledge base. You can read the article here: Injecting and handling ECC errors in STM32H7 flash memory  

Updates of the product forums' structure 

We are constantly working to improve our platform, so your feedback and suggestions are always welcome: Feedback forum 

Thank you all for your active participation and contributions in 2024 and we look forward to this year! 

ST Community team