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ST Community highlights – January to March 2024

Community manager
Community manager

Since the beginning of the year, we have welcomed over 1000 new members monthly and celebrated the growing number of visits. Additionally, we applaud the record-breaking activity by our superusers.

Let’s look back and highlight the most engaged areas in the ST community during January-March (Q1) of 2024.

TOP 3 community superusers who authored the most solutions:
1. A record-breaking @TDK  with 215 solutions authored.
2. @AScha.3 with 91 solutions authored.
3. @Tesla DeLorean with 89 solutions authored.

TOP 3 most viewed conversations:
1. 2908 views Solved: STM32CubeIDE 1.15.0: elf has a LOAD segment with RWX permissions
2. 1095 views Solved: LTDC not generating clock
3. 1075 views ST-LINK V2 Update error Unexpected flash size

TOP 3 forum boards with the most accepted solutions:
1. 599 accepted solutions STM32 MCUs products
2. 186 accepted solutions STM32CubeIDE (MCUs)
3. 160 accepted solutions STM32 MCUs Embedded software

TOP 3 most viewed knowledge-based articles:
1. 7813 views Part 1: Introduction to the STM32 microcontroller clock system
2. 7764 views How to implement and use your own external flash loader: An example using STM32U5A9J-DK
3. 3554 views How to create a custom build setup in STM32CubeIDE

Meet the latest superusers:

  • @Andrew Neil : an impressive comeback by this long-time member in 2024, who is mostly active in the STM32 MCUs forum boards. During Q1, he authored 44 solutions, received 286 kudos, and wrote 744 replies.
  • @Bob S: this member is active in the STM32 MCUs forum boards. In Q1, he authored 3 solutions, received 41 kudos, and wrote 55 replies.
  • @LCE: mostly active in the STM32 MCUs forum boards during Q1, this member authored 2 solutions, received 22 kudos, and wrote 54 replies.

On-demand webcast

In March, ST hosted the STM32 Summit, which you can watch on-demand at any time.


We are constantly working to improve our platform, so your feedback and suggestions are always welcome: Feedback forum

Thank you all for your active participation and contributions.

ST Community team


Congrats to all.

I'm going to again complain that the metrics aren't as helpful as you think.

Community engagement is about a conversation, it doesn't fit terribly well with Question/Solution metric/narrative, and honestly doesn't reward participation.

The selection of a "Solution" is not consistent, with the Questioner often selecting their own answer as the best despite following directions from others. Or the Questioner doesn't bother to select any solution, and has no means to select multiples or split percentages.

Perhaps we need a "Solved" checkbox over the Questioner self-selecting themselves as the winner, and this could be a non-scoring event.

Also seen staff pushing for a selection to close out a thread, selecting an answer themselves, or locking down entire threads.

Locking threads seem to miss the ability for a Google hit to revive a thread, and whilst I'm not a fan of "Me Too" posting, or zombie threads from 5-10 years ago being revived, it also precludes follow up, like "This is STILL a problem". I'd prefer things to be left open for 1-3 years, with perhaps a Wizard Button allowing a new user to open a new thread on the same topic, linking to the old one for context, rather than expect them to figure out how and where to open a new and appropriate thread with appropriate linkage.

ST Employee

@TDK hasn't logged in since a while.. Hope he's doing well :)..

Community manager
Community manager

Hi @Tesla DeLorean,

Thanks for taking the time to share your insights and great suggestions! 

As we are just starting with these reviews, I can surely tailor it and include additional view on the conversation stats itself in the next one. Do you have any other suggestions of what you would like to see here?

The consistency of selecting "Solutions" and "Locking threads" is a known topic and is on our radar for this year. However, if you notice any abuse of those features, please report it and we will take further steps. 

Thanks a lot,