Automotive MCUs

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Resolved! How to install your Root Certificate in StellarStudio JRE

When installing some StellarStudio  plugins http://* , you can meet the issue : PKIX path building failed  It is typical IT Issue :face_screaming_in_fear:  in each corporate company. “"Path bui...

StellarStudio SR5E1 support is open to the mass market !

Dear all,   We are thrilled to announce that as of today, March 1st, 2024, SR5E1 device support in StellarStudio is available to the mass market !   This means that any user can effortlessly download the official StellarStudio installation packag...


Resolved! Multi-Core Questions

Hi,It is a SPC56EC Dual core sample project which comes with SPCStudio (I imported the project form your library) and I have some questions. The screenshot is attached.1- When we use dual core at the same time, how do they memory sharing? They share ...

Msert.1 by Associate III
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Unable to connect to target with SPC5-UDESTK

Hello,I'm trying to program a SPC560B64 microcontroller but debugger can't connect to target : -driver is correctly install (with vcp enable option check)-all signal (TDI, TDO, TMS, etc...) are correcty route to the debugger.-target is powered (green...

*** SPC5-UDESTK Debugger ****

Hi,I have 3 SPC MCUs which are 560B, 574S and 58NG. I want to debug SPC58NG but It has not a USB debugger, it has only JTAG debugger. (SPC560B and 574S have on-board (USB) debugger).My question is Can I debug the SPC58NG without SPC5-UDESTK JTAG debu...

Msert.1 by Associate III
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Are FlexCAN and CAN FD same?

We are selecting a controller for our new Automotive project with CAN - FD connectivity,We are now shortlisted SPC560D controller, But it is having FlexCAN.So want to ask you that, Is CAN FD and FlexCAN is same?

HMaka.2 by Associate II
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Generate the drivers in SPC5 studio

Hi everyone,Iam saravanan working as Embedded software developer at iELEKTRON Technologies We are kick start our BLDC driver development project for that Our hardware team selected the SPC5P series controller ,then we ordered the Evaluation kit which...


Intoduction to Multi-Core

Hi,It is a SPC56EC Dual core sample project which comes with SPCStudio (I imported the project form your library) and I have some questions. The screenshot is attached.1- When we use dual core at the same time, how do they memory sharing? They share ...

Msert.1 by Associate III
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