#autodevkit hashtag#avas hashtag#openocd hashtag#mcu hashtag#spc5 hashtag#embedded hashtag#automotiveHere you are a quick guide to help you load the audio file in AEK-AUD-C1D9031 Avas board using the AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK programmer.AEK-AUD-C1D9031 - https...
Very long awaited, but it is finally here!!!New AutoDevKit Studio release version 2.4.0 is available for free download www.st.com/autodevkitsw New features:- Multi-chain, multi-node and completed renovated BMS driver for L9963E named AEK-POW-BMSCHAIN...
Dear Members. The current BMS board design has not taken in consideration all the recommendation for a Hot Plug capable design. To make your system hot-plug resistant make sure to follow the recommendations below: Change the battery connector with a ...
Hi ,We have an AEK-MCU-C4ML1T1 Discovery board. We want to simulate AI road state monitoring with AEK-CON-SENSOR1+MEMS SENSOR BOARD and AEK-LCD-DT028V1. Where do we get the complete firmware to build an application with all the features as shown in t...
Hello! I bought 2 AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK debuggers to download the program for the AEK-MOT-MR200G1 development board! But during use, a prompt as shown in the following picture will appear! I don't know if it's a device issue or something! The AEK-MOT-MR200...
Dear community members, I am following the tutorials from ST via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vn_cRUfRag&list=PLnMKNibPkDnEju3j_qhe-MFK-NnwD_kuP&index=7&ab_channel=STMicroelectronics I am currently using SPC58EC but when I load workspace from UD...
Hello! In the SPC58XX-RLA PWM-ICU Test Application for Discovery routine, I would like to ask which CH0 is circled in red as shown in the following figure, CH1... What do they represent? I have been confused whether eMIOS0 CH0 in the first image and ...
hi 1. on AEK-AUDC1D9031 there is SPC582B60E1 MCU with 1 Mb flash.2. i want to more wav files to play. but SPC582B60E1 is has only 1MB.3. so that i want to know how to integrate the extra memory to the AEK-AUDC1D9031 board.4. how to connect external ...
hi community, I am using the "Avas Compact - Test Application" example code which is provided in the AUTODEVKIT. I had extended that example code with PIT (the frequency is 1sec). after adding the PIT the WAV files are playing w...
Hello everyone! I would like to ask about the DSPI baud rate setting for the SPC582BE1 microcontroller. As shown in the following figure, when using the SPC5828XX-RLA DSPI Test Application for Discovery routine, I found that the default setting for B...
hi community, I am using the "Avas Compact - Test Application" example code which is provided in the AUTODEVKIT. hear I enabled the CAN communication and it is working fine. but i want to know CAN BUSOFF is implemented or not in ...
Hi community,I have implemented AVAS, I am getting the output as expected but with one issue that even after I stop communication in the CANoe , I am getting the sound continuously.I wanted to know two things1. Do we have any API that stops the sound...
I am programming SPC582Bxx-RLA WKPU Test Application for Discovery using the SPC582860E1 development board! But when downloading the program using OpenOCD steps, the following error message will appear! As shown in the following picture! And I also t...