#autodevkit hashtag#avas hashtag#openocd hashtag#mcu hashtag#spc5 hashtag#embedded hashtag#automotiveHere you are a quick guide to help you load the audio file in AEK-AUD-C1D9031 Avas board using the AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK programmer.AEK-AUD-C1D9031 - https...
Very long awaited, but it is finally here!!!New AutoDevKit Studio release version 2.4.0 is available for free download www.st.com/autodevkitsw New features:- Multi-chain, multi-node and completed renovated BMS driver for L9963E named AEK-POW-BMSCHAIN...
Dear Members. The current BMS board design has not taken in consideration all the recommendation for a Hot Plug capable design. To make your system hot-plug resistant make sure to follow the recommendations below: Change the battery connector with a ...
DearI installed AutoDevkitstudio yesterday.As I can see I should go to this web site"hightec-rt.com/en/" and get a license but in this site there is not any form that I fill it and get a license. Pleas help me more for getting license!. Thank you
This is the sample program I used.This is sounddb.s .When I DEBUG a variable, I find that these pointers point to the same address.I used two audio files. How do I have my program play the second audio file directly?I modified the userFunction as sho...
I tried to convert audio files to HEX files,and delete all the lines in the hex file before the starting line of the audio content.Then I program the HEX file to the FLASH, but can't play. I can play with the demo program.Could you tell me how to sel...
Hey, I'm trying to get the AEK-MOT-SM81M1 example project working that is imported from the SPC5STUDIO 6.0 program. Stepper motor used to test is a Lin Engineering 4118l-66pd-01ro bi polar stepper motor.Connections are as follows:SPITP CS connected t...
Hi DearI try to build a test setup with AEK-AUD-D903V1 and AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 follow the user manual um2719, when I modifed the "application.ld" document, an error was generatered. .sounddb : ALIGN(16) { __sounddb_start__ = .; *(.sou...
Hi DearI try to build a test setup with AEK-AUD-D903V1 and AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 follow the user manual um2719, when I modifed the "application.ld" document, an error was generatered. .sounddb : ALIGN(16) { __sounddb_start__ = .; *(.sou...
Why can't I include the system standard header files? Why can I generate files even if there are problems as long as the console is fine when compiling? Finally, I can burn the program into the chip and run it successfully.
i have set enables 1,2,3 and 4 as 1100 which is address 2 , but for some reason the speaker is not open and voltage is not passing through it which means i cant move on and give orders through i2c registers, can you please explain what the reason mig...