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I had a fine working setup with BMS63 for some hours. Than cell 12 showed 0V and the fault light in the ISO SPI came up. A short measurement showed, the cell was indeed empty (I am testing with very old cells). After replacing the cell cell 12 still ...
Is there an input field for the used shunt value or offset? If not, where can I manipulate the code? 
I imported the SPC58EC - AEK_POW_BMS63EN_SOC_Estimation_Single application, configured like described in UM3185. (Side note: The Board View may also view that the ISO SPI needs a Powersupply... So I wonder the Generic pins table..shall I do something...
I wonder if there is any ST solution on charging a batterypack that already uses the BMS63EN? So that these two could work together in terms of powercontrol. Or is it maybe easier to implement than I think? 
I am looking for an onboarding on the Autodevkit intended RTOS. Which is it? I am a bit confused, Chibi or FreeRTOS? And how do I set it up? Maybe there is a walk through AN/UM available?