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In the AutoDevKit's AEK-MOT-TK200G1 SPC582Bxx_RLA_AEK-MOT-TK200G1_MotorControl_via_CAN - Test Application, the operation of the functions controlling the trunk lock and trunk unlock motor appears to be incorrect in that the PWM duty cycle has the opp...
I've recently evaluated the AEK-MOT-MR200G1 and AEK-MOT-TK200G1 evaluation boards to gain a better understanding of using the L99DZ200G device and have noticed that neither of those boards used the on-chip CAN transceiver in the L99DZ200G device but,...
In STM32CubeIDE V1.4.2, if the CubeMX Project Manager has the "Generate peripheral initialization as a pair of '.c/.h' files per peripheral" setting enabled after the project had been built with it previously disabled, when the project code is re-gen...
Using STM32CubeIDE version 1.4.2 on a Windows 7 64-Bit Home Premium Edition, Version 6.1 (Build 7600) laptop, I am unable to program and debug a project on a NUCLEO-F401RE board.When I attempt to debug to program the board and debug and run the firmw...
Posted on May 30, 2014 at 03:43The STM32CubeF4 __HAL_UART_CLEAR_FLAG( ) macro is incorrect because it does a read-modify-write. If a status bit becomes set in the USART_SR register by the hardware between the read and the write, that change will be ...
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