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NUCLEO-F411RE: user USB support

Associate II


I am using NUCLEO-F411RE for development and wondering whether I can developed user USB Device application with custom VID and PID. 

I tried custom hid example from STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.0 SDK but seems not working, once downloaded I can see only 1. STM32 STLink, 2. ST-Link mass storage usb devices but not my custom hid usb device in device manager

Please let me know is it possible to develop user usb application with NUCLEO-F411RE


The NUCLEO-F411RE does not have a USB connector hooked up to the STM32F411 chip. The USB on the board is connected to ST-Link, which is not an interface you control in firmware.

You'd have to solder your own USB connector to the appropriate pins in order to use the USB on the chip.

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