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STM32L433 doesn't generate the UART_IT_IDLE Interrupt

Associate II

Hello, everyone

I have an STM32L433 that must communicate with other device via UART.

When I activate xfer with commands:

  HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(uartHandle, &rxBuffer[0], rxBufferSize);

I expect that when other device has sent some bytes to MCU the last one should generate the interrupt with UART_IT_IDLE. But when I put a breakepoint to HAL_UART_IRQHandler the MCU doesn't stop here.

However the MCU stops in other breakpoint at HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback when other device continues xfer and buffer is filled completely.

In this way I see that bytes reach the MCU but idle interrupt is not generated in transmission breaks. What is the reason?

The project is generated by CubeMX. Same code for STM32L151CB work perfectly but when I have ported it for STM32L433 it doesn't work properly.

I have spent two days finding a reason why interrupts is not generated and I dont know where else should I look =)
