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STM32CubeMX Porting Issues


I have a project I've migrated from the STM32F407 to the STM32F405. I started by creating a new project in STM32CubeMX with the STM32F405 selected, importing my existing project, and updating the pin assignments. I was able to regenerate the project in STM32CubeMX, but encountered issues in TrueStudio when attempting to build. It seems the issues all stem from the fact that the old references to the previous MCU (STM32F407) were not stripped out of the project during the regeneration process. Specifically, the "STM32F407xx" was still defined under "C Compiler - Symbols", and caused redefinition issues during build. Additionally, the linker script file didn't appear to be updated. I was able to fix the issues manually, but I think these should be addressed in an updated version of STM32CubeMX.