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Resolved! Assistance indentifying component - ZKW diode

Hello, I am attempting to identify a component from a switch mode power supply out of a audio preamp.I am 90% confident it is a zener diode, but after that I am at a loss. Markings (cathode band on left):(ST) 98ZKW  *not sure if there is a space betw...

LMV321ILT 3.3V operational compatibility

Hi,@Peter BENSCH In the datasheet of ST LMV321ILT op-amp, it is stated that minimum voltage supply span is 2.7V and maximum supply span is 6V. Can you suggest whether LMV321ILT can be used with 3.3V or an alternate that is both pin to pin and 3.3V co...

TDA7294 Spice Model

Hello,Is there a TDA7294 spice model? I am an engineering student doing my Bachelor's audio project and would help me in the development of the project.Best,João Santos

Resolved! Help identifying specific 2904

Need to replace this. I'm assuming the one on the left is toast just from a visual inspection. Can someone tell me which specific version I need to get? I'm not sure if the "EZ605" designator means anything. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!  ...


Resolved! Codec's channels

Hi, I hope finding an answer this is my first time asking you.  So, I'm trying to build a CLASS_D AMPLIFIER with codec (STA309A). This codec has 8 input channels for serial AUDIO and I want to play more channels for the codec's inputs but the I2S can...

Tom_Gean by Associate II
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