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STM32H753ZI: Can ADC0, ADC1 & ADC2 be sampled simultaneously with same clock?

Associate III


1. Can the selected input channels to ADC0, ADC1 and ADC2 in STM32H753ZI be sampled simultaneously under the same sampling clock?

2. NUCLEO-H753ZI ADC does not accept the analog negative signal inputs. Is there any STM32H7 dev board(s) accepting the analog negative signal inputs?


ST Employee

Hi @RongShengWang 

For the first question: If you want to use this application by using the Injected Simultaneous Mode with Dual ADC, you can refer to the reference manual RM0433, specifically Section 25.4.32 Dual ADC modes. Otherwise, if you want to use 3 ADCs simultaneously, you can use a timer to trigger the 3 ADCs.

For the second question: There are no STM32H7 development boards accepting the analog negative signal inputs.



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Thanks, ELABI.1 - Yes, we only want to use all 3 ADCs simultaneously by using a timer to trigger the 3 ADCs.

    ADC 1, 2, 3 have total 60 channels. But only 36 different analog signals are allowed to be connected since there are 16 channels shared by all ADC 1, 2, 3, plus 8 unavailable channels.
    Question: What is the reason to have so many shared channels, which reduces the number of analog signals to be connected?



What is the reason to have so many shared channels,

My guesses:

1. For more flexibility in assigning channels to multiple ADCs converting at different frequencies.

2. Noise and real estate reduction. Routing to 60 pins would overlap more close proximity digital circuitry and use up more chip space.
