2024-11-22 7:51 AM
1. I bought NUCLEO-H753ZI board, but we can't find any firmware demo project for the NUCLEO-H753ZI board in downloaded "en.stm32cubeh7_v1-11-0" (Its directory "NUCLEO-H753ZI" is empty).
We need the ADC firmware demo projects for NUCLEO-H753ZI board.
Where we can find them?
2. NUCLEO-H753ZI ADC does not accept the analog negative signal inputs. Is there any STM32H7 dev board(s) accepting the analog negative signal inputs?
2024-11-22 8:48 AM
@RongShengWang wrote:Hi,
1. I bought NUCLEO-H753ZI board, but we can't find any firmware demo project for the NUCLEO-H753ZI board in downloaded "en.stm32cubeh7_v1-11-0" (Its directory "NUCLEO-H753ZI" is empty).
We need the ADC firmware demo projects for NUCLEO-H753ZI board.
Where we can find them?
For the ADC demo projects you can use the same one which are for the NUCLEO-H743ZI board. Those projects should be also fully compatible for the NUCLEO-H753ZI board.
+ All projects available under Projects\NUCLEO-H743ZI are fully compatible with NUCLEO-H753ZI board. + For crypto feature available on NUCLEO-H753ZI board, examples under Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Examples\CRYP can be used as reference.
Source (Projects/NUCLEO-H753ZI/readme.txt) in the STM32cubeH7 Github repository