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Hello everyone, Im working on a Program that i have written in a StateDiagram way. I have 3 buttons wired to my micro, with a strategy to avoid boucing.this a part of my program where if the button is PRESSED then we add 1 to the variable "Day". The ...
Hello everyone, im trying to understand how the configuration and the use of the ADC is usued on a NUCLEO401RE. I've read the datasheet and reference Manuel but still its not clear.I have configure the pin A0 on CubeIDE to be an ADC input. But now i ...
Hello everyone, I am configuring an STM32F401RE and its RTC on the STM32CubeIDE softwareI've written an program that debug without errors. But ErrorHandler() is called during the RCC Oscillators initialization (during the "SystemClock_Config(void)" p...
Hello everyone, i am working on a software for setting the date and time. The plan is to set the date and tame manually (so no defficulties regarding that) and then continue to increase within the time flies thanks to the RTC of the NUCLEO F401RE.  D...
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