Hello @cyberpex,You can refer to the BLE_p2pServer application available in STM32CubeWB. This application uses the SSD1315 library, which may assist you in your implementation.I hope my answer has helped you. When your question is answered, please se...
Hello @Louie88,Yes, it is the right function: HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOJ, LCD_BL_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);But try to configure the GPIO pin as bellow: GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP;GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_S...
Hello @simo zz,You can check the schematic of the NUCLEO H7S3L8 (Link : here) to better understand the board's connectivity.USBPD: is required to enable TCPP.For the jumper, you can use JP3.For the MPU configuration, there are parts that are included...
Hello @simo zz,Have you tried the following application CDC_Standalone available in STM32CubeH7RS :It includes an .ioc file and could be useful for your implementation.I hope my answer has helped you. When your question is answered, please select thi...
Hello @Kumar123,You can refer to the SPI_ACCEL_ComPolling example available in STM32CubeH7RS with the NUCLEO-H7S3L8. It may assist you in your implementation.I hope my answer has helped you. When your question is answered, please select this topic as...