2025-02-26 4:55 PM
I'm trying to make a LCD screen work, but without success.
I found this library:
But I can'd find more documentation with examples (how to initialize).
Can you give me a "wire"? Now I'm using a ssd1306 library, but all the even rows (of my screen) are empty
2025-02-26 5:36 PM
You'll probably have to commit resources to debug it.
Double size with gaps suggests and issue with the rasters/display buffer, and perhaps a multiplier
Perhaps look here, port this, or perhaps the AdaFruit drivers
I've worked with the SSD1306 (0.96") / SSD1309 (2.42") variant.
2025-02-26 6:09 PM
Check COM setting via Command 0xDA
Check Zoom mode via Command 0xD6
2025-02-27 7:03 AM
Hello @cyberpex,
You can refer to the BLE_p2pServer application available in STM32CubeWB. This application uses the SSD1315 library, which may assist you in your implementation.
I hope my answer has helped you. When your question is answered, please select this topic as solution that answered you, it will help others find that answer faster.
Thanks for your contribution.
2025-02-28 3:00 AM
Thanks @Tesla DeLorean!
I tried already, without success
2025-02-28 3:01 AM
Thanks @Dor_RH!
I'll try!